Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rachel and Scott Visit!

This last weekend, our friends Rachel and Scott were good enough to come visit from Minneapolis. They are gracious and pleasant guests.  They are extremely good with Violet. They are full of love, heal people and make things with their bare hands, and are generally amazing.

We ate a ton of great food, went to the Chelsea Fair (!!), had an absolutely terrific time, and can't wait to see them again.

I agree with the sign. Except it should be plural.
We were telling Vi that some day she'd be as big as this zucchini.

Violet challenged these amateurs to a cute contest. Easy win.

Violet taking me to Serious Face school


Higher resolution here

Four month well child visit

Violet had her 4 month well child visit today. It went about exactly like her two month visit. Her doctor was very happy with how Violet is doing. Violet was very happy too until she got three shots and a nasty oral vaccine.

Her stats:
Weight 6.45 kg (51st percentile)
Length 65.3cm (93rd percentile)
Head circumference 42cm (87th percentile)
Sleeping ability (<5th percentile per parent evaluation)
Cuteness (>99th percentile per consensus opinion)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Viv and Vi

iPhone smorgasbord 2.0




Just a couple cute ladies eating

We ventured out tonight for dinner (at 4:30, naturally). Here's Angela enjoying some delicious nachos. Violet is enjoying her knuckle. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Standing with Mom

Or higher resolution here (sorry, the link is now fixed, should work).

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Angela's Birthday

This post is way way overdue, but Angela had her birthday a few weeks ago. We went out to a wonderful dinner with her parents, and I hope that she thought it was terrific. Me, I would have liked to have managed a better opportunity to tell her that I could not be happier we're married. That Violet and I are lucky to have her. That our little family is the best dream I ever had. That she's a real peach of a lady, and I'm excited to be on this adventure with her. Sorry for the late post, and happy birthday, sweetheart.

AM time with V

Angela often (read: always) takes more (read: all of the) time with Violet overnight, and I try to help out first thing in the morning. She's pretty cute just around that time, and I feel I'm getting a pretty sweet deal here.

I'm having coffee. She's having a doughnut.


Sunday, August 3, 2014