Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Gretchen Comes to Visit! And Family Halloween Party

My Aunt Gretchen came to town last week, and she was sweet enough to come visit us. No surprise to my family (she is Amazing with kids), but Violet thought she was totally wonderful. AND she brought Vi some really adorable and wonderful clothes that have already been put to good use.

On Sunday, my sister Liz hosted a family Halloween Party that was unbelievably rad, and since my pictures stink and there aren't many of them, feel free to visit Liz's blog (by clicking here) where there are many wonderful pictures. If, upon returning to this blog, you note an overall comparative crumminess of written and photographic documentation, then you have just made a keen observation with which I agree. Liz and John did a great job with decorations and food, there was a violin concert by Zach and Leah, and the Kellys showed us all how to rock a fez.

Monday, October 20, 2014

More daycare escapades

Violet continues to have a great time at daycare. It really is super adorable to see her playing with all of her cute little friends. One of my favorite things is when I bring her in in the morning and a few of the older kids crawl right on over to greet and play with her.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dinner with Ms Cat

Our friend and briefly nanny, Ms Cat, came over for dinner this week, and Violet was pretty excited about the reunion. Violet is also the proud new owner of a rolling triceratops that lights up and plays music as well as a ridiculously cute outfit. Can't wait to see Ms Cat again soon.

Father-Daughter Weekend (sort of)

Angela is on call this weekend which means that Violet and I are getting a little more one-on-one time than usual, and while we'd much rather that Angela be here, I'll pretty happily confess that it's been a lot of fun.

Yesterday, we drove up to visit my folks, and it was a very relaxing and wonderful visit. We got out a few photo albums from my childhood, so you'll be subjected to a couple of those as well. BONUS FEATURE: My parents once had a pet skunk, Ozzie, who apparently loved beer. Needless to say, I wish that pet skunks were still a thing.

This morning we went for breakfast with my nephew, Nathan, and Brian (sorry, no photos), and we just got back from a nice long walk. As we speak, Vi is having a bit of toes-up time in the swing, and I'm having an extra coffee.