Thursday, June 26, 2014

Two Month Well Child Visit

Today we had Vi's two month well child visit. As a pediatrician, I've been dreading this visit as I knew it meant lots of shots. Violet did exceptionally well with all of it. I wish I could say the same of her parents. She pretty much hated the oral rotavirus vaccine, which is supposed to taste quite good. I think she may have inherited her dad's palatal preference for the salty. Her doctor was very impressed with her and all of her new tricks. Most importantly, she got a clean bill of health.

Her stats:
Length 23 inches (73rd percentile)
Weight 11lbs 13oz (62nd percentile)
Head circumference 39.5cm (84th percentile)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a clean bill of health! Sorry about the shots though....
