Sunday, April 12, 2015

What a bunch of Croup

Despite the fact that Violet's in daycare and has been sick a lot, we've really lucked out this year. She has endured a slew of viral comings and goings, and we've been spared any real GI issues. However, last Thursday night, we put her to bed happy and without any sign of sickness, and we woke up to her gasping for air about 3 hrs later. It would be putting it mildly to say that we freaked out a little bit. Anyway, she got better in the car on the way to the ER, and we (VERY HAPPILY) figured that she probably had croup rather than something lodged in her trachea. The Mott ER staff were great, and Violet did get steroids and nebulized epinephrine. The whole family subsequently got this cold, and while we've been a gross bunch this week, we are very grateful for the happy and healthy kid we have.

At this moment, I was about as happy as I've ever been when awake at 3AM.

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