Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Edith Scott Claflin was born at 6:56 AM on 4/21/16, and all's well. She was 9 lb 10 oz and 22 in long, so she's a big baby. Angela had been scheduled for an induction the next day, and at around 3 AM on the 21st she nudged me and said, "Ted, wake up, we might have a baby today." We left for the hospital when my mom showed up at our house to take care of Vi around 4. We were in a room by 5:30, epidural in by 6, baby by 7. Things went about as quickly as smoothly as we could have hoped for, and we have a perfect new little baby to show for it. The first few days have been fine, and there are seriously no significant issues. Kind of a miracle.

She had a little facial bruising and swelling which has essentially resolved, and if she's lucky, she'll end up looking increasingly like her mother. In the meantime, I think she looks a lot like Violet did, and I think that's just adorable.

Couple of things about the name. First of all, Edith was my grandmother's name, and since Violet is Angela's grandmother's name, we liked the symmetry and history of it. If it comes with my grandmother's sense of humor, she'll be in great shape. Additionally, Edie is a really cute name, and relatively unique without being weird. We went with Scott for a middle name because we love the idea of being able to also call her Scotty, and that'll be a decent fall back if she happens to not like Edie when she's older. It's also my middle name, and I think it's served me well.

My family was all able to make visits to visit Edie in her first couple of days, and Edie even got to meet Gretchen on her birthday! Gretchen had to come a bit out of her way, and we couldn't have been happier to see her. Annie also made it to the hospital and brought lots of love an enthusiasm. Liz met her the next day, and they share a birthday! Angela's folks flew in for the weekend which has turned out to be a huge help. Rick helped entertain Violet with (many) trips to the park and Hands-On Museum, and Sarah did serious Grandma duty. We can't wait for them to come back. My parents (especially my mom) were also a HUGE help in the first few days, and we can't thank them enough.

Help us raise this one right, and I think she'll be a terrific addition to the world.

This is how this blog post was written.

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