Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mary comes to visit!

We recently received the great news that Aunt Mary is coming back to the Midwest. She got a job in Detroit and we could not be more excited about her being close by. She came into town to look for a place to live and came by to meet Edie. Edie was a big fan!


Two Month Well Child Visit

This post is a bit late but things continue to be a bit crazy around here. A few weeks back now, Edie had her two month well child visit. She was a rockstar with her oral vaccine but didn't love the shots. Go figure. She continues to be an absolute delight. She is very vocal and so smiley. She gets chunkier by the day. I think she's just about perfect.

Her stats
Weight 5.965 kg (13.15lbs) 87th percentile
Length 58.1cm (22.87 in) 68th percentile
Head 40.1cm (15.79 in) 93rd percentile
Smiley-ness 99.99th percentile